This notification must be presented with the original documentary credit together with any subsequent amendments and all documents required therein for negotiation. 议付时本通知必须出示正本跟单信用证及任何后续修改的文件以及所有要求的单据。
Here's your original credit card bill and receipt. 这是您的刷卡存单和发票。
The percentage for which insurance cover must be effected may be increased in such a way as to provide the amount of cover stipulated in the original Credit, or these Articles. 必须投保的保险金额比例可以增加,以满足原信用证或本惯例规定的保额。
The Credit can be transferred only on the terms and conditions specified in the original Credit. 信用证只能按原证中规定的条款转让。
At least one original of each document stipulated in the credit must be presented. 信用证中规定的各种单据必须至少提供一份正本。
If the insurance document indicates that it has been issued in more than one original, all the originals must be presented unless otherwiee authorized in the credit. 如果保险单据注明签发的正本超过一份,除非信用证另有授权,必须提交所有的正本。
The photocopy of the legal business certificate and the original bank credit certificate of the foreign enterprise; 外国公司的合法开业证明和银行资信证明;
Be the original for consignor or shipper, even if the credit stipulates a full set of originals. v. 为开给发货人或拖运人的正本,即使信用证规定提交全套正本。
Each PRESTENTION must be endorsed on the reverse side of this original credit by the negotiating bank. 每次交单都必须由议付行在此正本信用证背面背书。
New credit support the collateral that the provider transfers to the transferee to initiate an exchange for the original credit support. 新信用支持:指提供人为了实现与原信用支持的交换而向受让人转让的担保品。
The third part, writer begin from the philosophy original meaning of Honesty and credit, combined the effect of macrocosmic and microcosmic environment on attitude of honesty and credit, analysis how people's attitude of honesty and credit develop and change and its final tend towards. 第三部分从对诚信哲学本义的追究开始,结合宏观与微观环境对诚信态度产生的作用,分析了影响主体诚信态度变化的主要因素以及个体诚信态度的最终走向;
The earliest credit appeared at the original society, with the improvement of human society, credit developed from commodity credit to currency credit, to all kinds of credit modes. 最早的信用行为产生于劳动与分工合作时,随着人类社会的不断发展,从最初的商品信用发展到货币信用,直到现代各种各样的信用形式。
The shortage of the original Chinese traditional credit relations rooted in the personification trade is revealing, which worsens credit environment. 而原先植根于人格化交易的中国传统信用关系的许多缺陷却开始显现,恶化了信用环境,并导致了整个信用领域的混乱。
As the original credit information with the highest voucher value, credit archives are the material base and key resources constructing social credit system. 信用档案作为最具凭证价值的原始信用信息,是构建社会信用体系的物质基础和核心资源。
The original intention was not for meeting the demand of multi-level and pluralism financial in our country, but for dissolving the risk of the former Urban Credit Cooperatives. 我国城市商业银行的成立属于依靠地方政府行政力量的强制性变迁,其成立的初衷并非是出于满足我国多层次、多元化金融需求的目的,而是为了化解原城市信用社的风险。
The postal savings 'original operating way of "only save not loan" has caused a large amount of rural area fund outflow, which seriously intensified the insufficiency of rural area credit fund supplies, and restricted the development of rural economy. 邮政储蓄原有只存不贷的资金运作方式造成巨额农村资金的外流,严重加剧了农村信贷资金供给的不足,影响了农村经济的发展。
The merits of this method includes that it have an objective weights of original indexes and can easily adapt to the different economic& cultural environments in different regions and the population drift in same ( region) which cause the disparity of credit scoring. 其优点在于能够实现指标项权重的客观性、能方便地适应我国不同地区由于经济文化的差别而带来的信用环境不同以及一个地区由于人口漂移快而带来的评分变化。
On the contrary, when an enterprise fall into financial predicaments or close to bankrupt, it weak to absorb investment. And original investor was forced to face the enormous credit risks. 相反,一个陷入财务困境或濒临破产的企业乏力吸引投资,而更让原有投资者面临巨大的信用风险。
According to this part, my opinion is that, with the fast development of joint-equity enterprises, the original credit system cannot satisfy the increasing fund demands, and thus it is the objective requirement for financing mode of securities. 作者认为,随着股份制企业的快速发展,原有的信贷体系根本无法满足市场日益膨胀的资金需求,证券融资模式成为客观需要。
Second, the scarcity of domestic commercial banks variety of fee-based products, narrow coverage, are concentrated in the original exchange, collection and payment, credit and letters of credit, mortgages and other products. 其次,国内商业银行中间业务产品品种稀缺、覆盖范围狭小,都集中在原始的汇兑、代收代付、信用卡及信用证、抵押等产品。
In the transformation of our system, the original moral system is at risk; the existence of social credit loss, confusion in the market economic order, has seriously impacted the healthy and orderly development of Chinese economy. 我国在制度转型过程中,原有的道德体系发生危机,出现社会存在信用丧失、市场经济秩序混乱的现象,严重影响了我国经济良性、有序发展。
According to the requirements of the New Capital Accord, the original customer evaluation approaches can not meet the modern commercial banks credit risk measurement. 按照新资本协议的要求来看,原有的客户评价办法已不能满足现代商业银行进行信用风险计量与资本配置的要求,不能满足银行日益精细化风险管理和稳健经营的发展需要。
Firstly, according to characteristic of MT, the paper selects credit metrics model that is favorable for gathering original credit data. 首先,根据移动商务终端设备的特性,选取了便于消费者在移动商务环境下使用的信用度量模式,有利于采集原始信用反馈数据。
The original intention of commercial bank to configure real estate customer credit resources allocation is that they can bring metric values. This value should be exchanged with low-cost as far as possible, be durable, and low-risk even no risk. 商业银行向房地产行业客户配置信贷资源的初衷是客户能为商业银行带来可度量的价值,这种价值应该尽可能用低成本换取,是持久的,低风险的甚至是无风险的。
This research find that the original cause of the financing problem is information asymmetry, which causing the adverse selection and moral hazard. And the banks take credit ration strategy in order to avoid risk. 本文通过研究发现,中小企业融资难的根本原因是信息不对称问题,从而导致借贷过程中产生逆向选择以及道德风险,使银行采取信贷配给的策略规避风险,使收益最大化。
X Rural Commercial Bank is in the original rural credit cooperative association, based on a natural person, co-sponsored by domestic non-financial institutions to establish the formation of joint-stock commercial banks. X市农村商业银行是在原农村信用合作联社的基础上,由自然人、境内非金融机构共同发起设立组建的股份制商业银行。
The mainly reason is the system left by the original Rural Credit Association. The reform of the system is not thoroughly, it needs deep joint stock system reform. 究其原因,主要还是原来农村信用社遗留下来的体制上的问题造成,苏南农商行的现有改革还不够彻底,仍需继续深化股份制改革。
Risk from the original, single-state layers of accumulation, from a simple change in price caused by market risk through risk transfer, accumulated credit risk and default risk, until the outbreak of the final overall system risk. 风险从原始、单一的状态层层累积,从单纯的价格变化引发的市场风险通过风险转移,积累了信用风险和违约风险,直至最后整体系统风险的爆发。